In The Spirit Individual – Spiritual Communities

In The Spirit: Spiritual Communities Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 186. Peter Caddy ~ Petty Caddy, founder of Findhorn spiritual community, is Lex Hixon’s guest. 187. Eileen Caddy ~ Eileen Caddy, co-founder of Findhorn community and wife of Peter Caddy speaks on herself and her life in a spiritual …

In The Spirit Individual – Taoism

In The Spirit: Taoism Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 183. Sophia Delsa ~ The subect of Thai Chi Chuan occupies the conversation of Sophia Delsa and Lex Hixon on Body, Mind, Spirit. (1980) 184. Terry Dobson ~ Lex Hixon introduces Terry Dobson to the listeners of In The Spirit. …

In The Spirit Individual – Sikhism

In The Spirit: Sikhism Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 179. Yogi Bhajan ~ Interspersed with music by the Khalsa String Band, Lex Hixon hosts Yogi Bhajan who speaks to the New York listeners. 180. Khalsa String Band ~ Lex Hixon has special guests in the form of the members …

In The Spirit Individual – Judaism

In The Spirit: Judaism Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 154. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach ~ Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach sings and speaks to many people gathered in Studio C at WBAI Radio on In The Spirit with Lex Hixon. (1973) 155. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach ~ Lex Hixon hosts Schlomo Carlebach who …

In The Spirit Individual – Jainism

In The Spirit: Jainism Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 152. Munishri Chitrabanu ~ Lex Hixon hosts Munishri Chitrabanu, Jain spiritual leader who has come to the West, who talks about the salient features of the Jain religion. (1975) 153. Munishri Chitrabanu ~ Lex Hixon greets the Jain leader, Munishri …

In The Spirit Individual – Islam and Sufism

In The Spirit: Islam & Sufism Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 124. Sheikh Muzafer ~ Lex Hixon’s revered guest is Sheikh Muzafer, spiritual leader of the Halveti Dervishes of Istanbul, who speaks about the Koran and the religion of Islam. (1978) 125. Sheikh Muzafer ~ After returning from pilgrimage …

In The Spirit Individual – Vedic

In The Spirit: Vedic Religion Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 61. Sri Ramakrishna ~ Lex Hixon celebrates the auspicious birth of Sri Ramakrishna, the Avatar of the Kali Yuga, with music, recitations, readings, and teachings from the Great Master. 62. Sri Ramakrishna ~ The Avatar of Kali, the Divine …

In The Spirit Individual – Christianity

In The Spirit: Christianity Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 46. Mother Teresa & Brother David ~ Lex Hixon speaks with Brother David, a monk of the Benedictine order, and airs an interview he recorded with Mother Teresa in her Bronx mission house. 47. Mother Serena ~ a Rosacrucian nun …

In The Spirit Individual – Buddhism

In The Spirit: Buddhism Each CD is $20 – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. 1. Dalai Lama ~ A three-hour special with readings and talks about the Dalai Lama with a Tibetan diplomat, a professor and several high lamas. A tape of His Holiness is also aired. (1979) 2. Kalu Rinpoche ~ speaks on …

In The Spirit Trio Sets

In the Spirit: Trio Sets Trio Sets are $45 for CD – USA shipping (only) included. To order, click on the cd icon. Buddhist B1 – Tibetan Dalai Lama, Kalu Rinpoche, Trungpa Rinpoche (#1, 2, 11) B2 – Zen Eido Roshi, Dogen Zenji, Maesumi Roshi (#22, 27, 28) B3 – American Phillip Kapleau, Bernie Glassman, Robert Thurman (#31, 26, 43) …