Comprehensive Teachings on AUM Retreat at the SRV Hawaii Retreat Center(affectionately called: Badrinath) Over the 7 classes of this retreat, Babaji presented four aspects of the teachings on AUM: 1) AUM as pervasion, i.e., its all-pervasive presence at every level of existence; 2) AUM as theorigin and cause of all phenomena from unmanifested potential to the “solid” world weperceive; 3) AUM as …
2019 Tripura Upanisad Retreat Notes
Tripura Upanisad Retreat at Mindful Heart Forest Retreat The selected teachings of this Upanisad and retreat focused upon the nature of Divine Mother’sthree “Puris,” or Cities, which can be termed Her gross, subtle, and causal Cities. At first glance,it would seem that these might be related to the three worlds of bhur, bhuvah, and svaha, whichpertain to this physical world we …
Summer / Autumn 2014
Class notes from August to December, 2014 Dharma & the World, Moral & Ethical Life These teachings of the dharma are the solution to all the problems of the world. To have Religion, you have to have some philosophy — not philosophy that is about argument and debate, but that which shows the way towards a time-tested practice that realizes …
Spring / Summer 2014
Class notes from April 20 – July, 2014 Seeding Future LivesQ: Vedanta says that the waking state seeds the dream state. But we also hear that the realm of the waking state is projected by the mind as it moves from the deep sleep state to the dream state. This sounds like a chicken and egg situation. Can you explain …
Winter/Spring 2014
Class Notes January – April 15, 2014 MeditationFormless meditation, maintaining one-pointedness for a long time (tailadhara dhyan), neither negates nor destroys God with form or the meaningfulness of Avatar’s Lila; it simply brings those two eternal principles inward and gives them consummate meaning. Knowledge is now vast, infinite, and when one returns to form one has this infinite wealth to …
Autumn/Winter 2013
Transmission of True Knowledge Many of us have the opportunity to sit in classes with Babaji at the SRV Ashrams. We are grateful for access to his classes online via Livestream technology when he is at the other centers, but it is not a replacement for receiving the undiluted transmission in his presence and cultivating that special bonding between student …
Retreat 2013: Goddess / Retreat 2014: Mantra Tapas
2014 SRV Retreats Hand in Hand to the Goal… Retreats are an essential practice for people living and working in the world. Sri Ramakrishna clearly and frequently advised his householder disciples to retreat from the world periodically for spiritual reorientation. Today, we can imagine him telling us to leave our computers, cell phones, and internet capabilities home, enter retreat in …
Retreat Reflections 2013
White Crane, White Swan — Zen Reflections I, Oregon Spring The beautiful forested homestead in the land of the Wind River (in the Columbia River Gorge) and the wonderful family that stewards this land, welcomed us into retreat last Spring; lovingly grounding us all in zen stillness. Babaji, dressed in black, led us deep into the teachings of Zen, 52 generations since Shakyamuni …
Spring/Summer 2013
Babaji’s Classes from April to August, 2013 Dissolving the Mindstream Mindfulness is one thing, but what about taking up the mind and possessing it, mastering it? If one renounces Nature and that is as far as one goes, then one gets abhava, formlessness. But man and Nature remain separate. What kind of oneness is that? But if one renounces Nature …
Winter 2013, India Pilgrimage
View our slideshow here (and you must click on the center of the screen to view the captions.) During our pilgrimage in India Babaji gave several classes. Below are a few notes: To become aware of one’s thoughts is to become aware of prana. Prana is a lot like our attention span. When we study, we focus for an hour and do …