Hawaii Retreat 2010

    Location/Setting: Kipukamaluhia, a dharma-sanctuary in Ka’u, stewarded by Rashani Rea. It is located between Na’alehu and South Point — a lush oasis in the grasslands overlooking the ocean — and consists of various little cabins, a Mother temple, meeting spaces, and meandering walkways. Very isolated, serene — conducive to the retreat spirit. Retreat Details Date: Friday, April 16th …

A Quintessential Yoga Vasishtha

Wisdom Stories of the Rishis RetoldEdited and elucidated by Babaji Bob Kindler 254 pages, hardbound, illustrated, $30.00  Of all the relationships possible on earth, that rare and timely combination of noble perfection known as guru/shishya, spiritual teacher and sincere disciple, transcends them all.  And scarcely in the sweep of historical time has that most intimate of connections been so well-documented …

Sangha News

And Mother Claps Her Hands… Timothy Madera – Kapisa Timothy Madera of San Francisco received initiation from Babaji at the most recent Durga Puja. The name of Kapisa was bestowed upon him. This translates as “the Fountainhead of Strength” and is an epithet of Hanuman, the great devotee of Sri Ram.  This name is quite fitting as Kapisa feels drawn …

Nectar of Nondual Truth: A FEAST!

#25 Spring 2010 Nectar #25 is a feast of universality in the spirit of all-inclusive Advaita – Nonduality.  Here’s a look inside: Dharma Doorway of Nonduality, by Robert ThurmanEmptiness & Compassionate Action, by Dzogchen Ponlop RinpocheGod Who Cares, by Swami AseshanandaInvitation to the Path of Love, by Sheikh Muzaffer EffendiComprehending Nonorigination, by Babaji Bob KindlerRationality & God – What’s the …

Autumn 2009

Notes from Babaji’s Classes in Oregon; arranged thematically AUM & IntelligenceThe power of the Word is very underestimated.  In the beginning is the Word, which is Ma’s own pool of potential, like a hidden cosmic chest of drawers.  In the depths is that changeless Reality, Akhanda Satchitananda; It links us all together.  But when Christ talked of the Word, He …

Prison Ministry Fundraiser

Serving Schools for Struggling Souls

There is a growing recognition in our Portland Community and elsewhere that we all must step up to the plate to help inmates prepare themselves for re-entering our communities as the valuable beings they really are.  Spiritual teachings, mentoring, camaraderie, and live social networking play a crucial role in this process along with the inmate’s own resolve.

SRV Associations currently puts most of its resources in this endeavor toward inmates still in prison, driving 1000’s of miles a year and incurring other travel costs as we visit the distant facilities. Books, Nectar, and postage are other costs. Vedanta libraries need building up and qualified volunteers are also needed.

A Fundraiser is planned in 2010, possibly October. The potential of this event, both for funding and also as an educational and networking opportunity, is substantial. We are not the only ones doing this work, and each organization’s story and emphasis is fascinating and inspiring. But we need volunteers to bring this potential into manifestation. See below for a description of this event as currently envisioned.

Retreat Reflections

Fall 2009 at Buckhorn Springs: Mother Kali – The Divine Mother Principle Revealed Reflection on the Divine Mother Retreat, October 2009,  as seen throughthe First Stanza of Swami Vivekananda’s “Song of the Sannyasin” The song that had its birth far off was awakened at the Divine Mother Retreat,Her voice revealed in the pristine brook beside the Inn at Buckhorn Springs.  …

Truth for Teens


Oregon Kids Class

Last summer, Babaji set out a guideline for what our young teens should be learning.  His list included the following charts, leaving it up to the kids’ acharya to draw teachings from them in a suitable manner.

Here is a brief description of the charts and some explanation behind these choices, which will probably be useful for adults too:

SRV’s Autumn Kundalini Yoga Retreat

Buckhorn Springs, Ashland, OregonThursday, October 7 to Monday, October 11 On the heels of our acclaimed Mother Kali Retreat of 2009, SRV’s staff and Spiritual Director are presenting a fitting follow-up and testament to the inmost path of Mother Wisdom by focusing in on the Mahashakti and Her superlative teachings on Kundalini Yoga.  This path will be approached appropriately, not …

SRV Summer Retreat

On the American River over GurupurnimaForesthill, Northern CaliforniaFriday, July 23 – Thursday, July 29 In accordance with the diverse group of differing levels of aspirant, and considering the presence of several interested teenagers who attend, this summer’s retreat will accent the mainstays of the path, such as the beginning stages of spiritual practice and those select methods which are designed …