Buckhorn Springs, Ashland, OregonThursday, October 7 to Monday, October 11 On the heels of our acclaimed Mother Kali Retreat of 2009, SRV’s staff and Spiritual Director are presenting a fitting follow-up and testament to the inmost path of Mother Wisdom by focusing in on the Mahashakti and Her superlative teachings on Kundalini Yoga. This path will be approached appropriately, not …
Sacred Books
Click here for our distributors | View our Kindle Edition list New Book! Cosmic QuintuplicationsThe Secret of Panchakarana The Cosmic Quintuplication system, or Panchakarana, describes the unique process by which manifesting consciousness takes on form or, put another way, how the embodying soul takes on matter by inserting itself into forms or vehicles of its choosing. Cosmic Quintuplication, a …
Jnana Yoga, the Path of Knowledge
“Shining like the sun, knowledge reveals the Supreme in them, in whom ignorance is destroyed by Self-knowledge.” – Sri Krishna, Bhagavad Gita V:16 Aspirants devote time each day for reading or listening to the teachings of the scriptures and the lives of saints, sages and other great beings. From the scriptures and the exemplary lives of the illumined, we learn …