view our Music Video Offerings Special 50% off all available music cassettes CD $15.00 Kali Bol Ramakrishna Babaji Bob Kindler’s newest CD recording, Kali Bol Ramakrishna, is Jai Ma Music’s 18th album of chants, bhajans, and stotrams to date, all drawn from Mother India’s infinite storehouse of sacred music. Featuring cello, flute, the tabla artistry of Benjy Wertheimer, the sublime recitations by …
Sacred Books
Click here for our distributors | View our Kindle Edition list New Book! Cosmic QuintuplicationsThe Secret of Panchakarana The Cosmic Quintuplication system, or Panchakarana, describes the unique process by which manifesting consciousness takes on form or, put another way, how the embodying soul takes on matter by inserting itself into forms or vehicles of its choosing. Cosmic Quintuplication, a …