Big Island Weekend Retreat with Babaji

2-Day Weekend Retreat Mantra Tapas Teachings on Mantra with Group Japa Practice January 3 – 5, 2014 <> SRV Hawaii Ashram  “The mantra is of key importance.  When karma comes, when trouble comes, it isn’t “I am Brahman” that helps us as much as the mantra.  Knowledge of Brahman is going to help you only if you can transport yourself …

Summer Retreat 2013

SRV American River Retreat over Gurupurnima July 17 – 23, 2013 <> Foresthill, CA   SRV’s annual summer retreat near the pristine American River is joyfully anticipated each year by all ages of our sangha.  This is the perfect retreat to get one’s spiritual feet wet for newcomers, and a profound opportunity for all members to live in holy company …

White Crane, White Swan

White Crane, White Swan —  Zen Buddhism & Advaita Vedanta A Memorial Day Weekend Retreat with Babaji Bob Kindler, SRV Spiritual DirectorMay 23 – 27th <> Wind River region, WA In SRV Associations, Babaji presents Lord Buddha’s teachings as part of a comprehensive understanding of the Advaitic, non-dual Wisdom and Yogic pathways to Freedom that Mother India supplies in abundance.  Buddhist …

White Crane, White Swan (2)

White Crane, White Swan —  Zen Buddhism & Advaita Vedanta A Weekend Retreat with Babaji Bob Kindler, SRV Spiritual DirectorJune 27 – 30th <> Honokaa, Hawaii In SRV Associations, Babaji presents Lord Buddha’s teachings as part of a comprehensive understanding of the Advaitic, non-dual Wisdom and Yogic pathways to Freedom that Mother India supplies in abundance.  Buddhist philosophy is known to …

Spiritual Director’s Message

Dear Students, friends, devotees, and disciples:       We are presently standing on the brink of an entryway into the human heart and mind that is both potentially effective in its dynamic, and in keeping with the dissemination of Divine Mother Wisdom that is concurrent with our highest ideals.  I am speaking of the inroads that SRV is making …

Winter Retreat 2013

Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary RetreatFebruary 14 – 18, 2013 <> Seattle, Washington “My ideal can be put into a few words and that is to show mankind their divinity, and how to make it manifest in every movement of life.”  – Swami Vivekananda “Swami Vivekananda, the epitome of spiritual authenticity, was the incarnation of Lord Shiva in this age …

Winter Retreat 2014

Transmuting Poison into Nectar Shivaratri Retreat with Babaji February 27 – March 2nd, 2014 <> Seattle, Washington Gathering in February over the auspicious time of Sivaratri, the SRV Associations and its members, students, and initiates will meet to worship the Lord of Wisdom, and to sing and study the “Sivanam Sankirtanam” together. Through recitation, chanting, study, and memorization — i.e., …

All for the sake of Spiritual Life

Aloha from SRV Hawaii: Where spiritual life is concerned, as rare as it is in this world, the teachings are paramount.  Basically, the seeker, aspirant – even the intermediate and advanced level of devotee – needs two important aspects in order to both have and live a spiritual life.  Those two are 1) An awareness that “All is Brahman” and …

Spiritual Director’s Message

Dear SRV Devotees, Students, and Friends: There are two matters which are most imminent at this time, and the offering of the fine on-line newsletter, Mundamala, provides a perfect venue for initial discussion around them. First, as the April/May Dharma Visit nears, with its Seattle retreat on the excellent teachings of Lord Vasishtha, I encourage everyone to plunge deep into the …