In The Spirit Radio Interviews

A Ground-Breaking Interfaith Program From the early 1970’s through the late 1980’s, Lex Hixon hosted a radio program in New York City that was unprecedented in its depth, scope, insight and creativity. Entitled “In The Spirit,” it appeared as both “Body/ Mind/Spirit” for a time and “Spirit/Mind/Body” as well. On this long running inspirational program that spanned two decades, and …


  New CD Set Divine Mother & Her Wisdom Comprising the ninth in a series of spontaneous spiritual discourses by Babaji Bob Kindler, this four cd set explores teachings and stories inspired by the revealed scriptures of India, especially in the Tantric vein which emphasizes the heart-melting presence of the Divine Mother of the Universe. In the enthralling press of …

Jai Ma Music: The Music of Babaji Bob Kindler

view our Music Video Offerings Special 50% off  all available music cassettes CD $15.00 Kali Bol Ramakrishna  Babaji Bob Kindler’s newest CD recording, Kali Bol Ramakrishna, is Jai Ma Music’s 18th album of chants, bhajans, and stotrams to date, all drawn from Mother India’s infinite storehouse of sacred music. Featuring cello, flute, the tabla artistry of Benjy Wertheimer, the sublime recitations by …

Sacred Books

  Click here for our distributors | View our Kindle Edition list New Book! Cosmic QuintuplicationsThe Secret of Panchakarana The Cosmic Quintuplication system, or Panchakarana, describes the unique process by which manifesting consciousness takes on form or, put another way, how the embodying soul takes on matter by inserting itself into forms or vehicles of its choosing. Cosmic Quintuplication, a …

The Evolutes of Maya – Part 2

by Babaji Bob Kindler IN CONTINUATION of the study of Maya’s evolutes, eight more can be listed which are generally more subtle. Whereas the first eight evolutes concentrate on basic mental distortions like possessiveness and selfishness, the additional eight focus on tendencies that are more difficult to comprehend and renounce such as the sense of agency and the acquisition of …

Stories as Scripture – Part II

by Babaji Bob Kindler Taken from the book entitled An Extensive Anthology of Sri Ramakrishna’s Stories, six selections focusing on the Guru are introduced. Cooking With Compassion informs us that there is a state of enlightenment beyond sagacious silence wherein the luminary, out of compassion, ventures forth into the realm of reiteration in order to share ignorance-destroying and life-giving truths. …

Children’s Classes

Holy Mother’s School offers a young children’s class (4 – 7 year olds) and an older children’s class (8 and older). Children meet for classes when assistant teacher, Annapurna Sarada, is present. Older children also receive meditation instruction and practice with Babaji during each visit. Our Purpose: To support the innate spirituality of young children and to expand this awareness …

Raja Yoga, the Path of Meditation

“The one whose happiness is within, whose delight is within, whose illumination is within only, that yogi becomes Brahman and gains the Beatitude of Brahman.” – Sri Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, V:24 “The mind keeps well when engaged in work. And yet, japa [repetition of the mantra], meditation and prayer also are specially needed. You must at least sit down once …

Karma Yoga, the Path of Selfless Action and Service

“Motivated action is far inferior to that performed in the equanimity of mind; take refuge in the evenness of the mind; wretched are the result-seekers.” – Sri Krishna, Bhagavad Gita, II:49 “With the mind purified by karma yoga, and the self disciplined, and the senses subdued, one who realizes one’s self as the Self in all beings, though acting, is …

Bhakti Yoga, the Path of Devotion

“…this truth about the Atman (Soul) never dawns on the minds of those who are without devotion to Me.” – Sri Ramachandra, Adhyatma Ramayana “Worship is for the purpose of cultivating Devotion. From Devotion comes Atmajnana, knowledge of the Self.” – Swami Aseshananda How do we put the non-dual teachings into practice? Sri Ramachandra teaches that without devotion for the …